
As a well-known adventurer, you've been called to the Baron's chambers for a meeting. The seneschal leads you in, offers you a seat at the table and a glass of wine, and silently steps aside. The Baron, a large man with a jolly face, stumbles in. The seneschal immediately pours him a shot of whiskey, and then steps back to his corner. The Baron drains the shotglass, sits at the table, and watches you for a moment.

"Your reputation is that you're brave. But are you discreet?"

You nod, because, frankly, you need the money that hopefully will be coming from this meeting.

"Good. Here's the deal. I've misplaced my wedding ring and my anniversary is coming up. The Baroness is going to skin me alive."

Curiosity tugs at you, but this is the Baron. You decide to keep hold your questions.

"It was misplaced, never you mind how, and was found by one of the denizens of the Ice Caves of Trall."

You raise your eyebrows in surprise.

"I'll pay you 100 pounds of gold and give you a title if you go into the caves and find my ring before the anniversary party. Are you in?"

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  • Press the arrow keys to move.
  • Press the spacebar to combat the monster
  • Press the enter key to go to the next level.
  • Press e to eat food
  • Press d to drink potions
  • Treasure is collected from the ground or monsters
  • Food is collected from the ground
  • Potions are collected from monsters
